Revival Quality Standards

Revival Group International is committed to reviving the use of the cannabis plant in a reputable and considered way for the benefit of us, our planet and our farming heritage. So, Revival Group’s team of expert scientists and doctors have developed a set of standards to ensure that any time you see the Revival Quality Mark, it denotes a product and manufacturer that is caring for you and for your planet.

  • With confusing research on the effectiveness of CBD and variability in the amount of CBD that is actually in many of the products, the Revival Quality Mark signifies that where appropriate, a report from a recognised, certified testing lab will be made freely available to consumers.

  • For the Revival Quality Mark to be awarded to a product, producers must confirm that they fulfil appropriate regulatory compliance, can provide information on the provenance of their ingredients and materials and more, so that consumers can buy products with confidence.

  • The Revival Quality Mark is awarded to products and companies who aim to provide genuine, credible information to consumers, whether on labelling, on their website or other material. Respect and support for customers are key to the award.

  • The manufacturers of the goods given a Revival Quality Mark have provided a written declaration that the product awarded the Quality Mark is animal-friendly, and cruelty-free, including that no testing on animals was conducted in the manufacture of the product.

  • The Revival Quality Mark tells you that the company values sustainability. They must declare that they are working hard towards sustainable practices, such as responsible sourcing of ingredients, and responsible manufacture and distribution of the product and packaging.

  • The Revival Quality Mark is an indication that the company cares about more than profit. Donations to charities, supporting local communities, acting with transparency and integrity, working to improve consumer standards and more must be an important part of their practice.

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As an experienced NHS hospital consultant and surgeon, who has spent years working to encourage healthy lifestyle changes in the face of an obesity and chronic disease epidemic, I am frustrated by the conflicting and confusing information that lowers consumer confidence in wellbeing products and initiatives.

I can see similar issues of confusion, lack of credibility and variation in quality, tarnishing the reputation of hemp and CBD products, that could otherwise offer so many potential health, wellbeing and sustainability benefits for my patients and consumers in general.

Along with a team of other experts in the environmental, agronomy and product development fields, I have therefore collated various existing quality standards to make it easier for the consumer to identify a high-quality product.

They encompass all appropriate governmental regulations to reassure consumers on compliance across all hemp and CBD products. In addition, they aim to highlight companies that value sustainable and ethical practices, consumer-care, education and responsible marketing, by including other established standards and guidance.

Give your customers reassurance with the Revival Quality Mark

If you feel your company would seem to have the right products and ethos to meet the Revival Quality Standards, please apply below.

There is no charge for application or use.

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